This commit is contained in:
Armin Wolf 2017-06-27 10:08:32 +02:00
parent 3c9f1b4628
commit 96b6ec887b
2 changed files with 72 additions and 33 deletions

View File

@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ public class TheilSenEstimator extends Observable implements Algorithm {
private Presenter presenter;
private ArrayList<Line> set;
private ArrayList<Point> intersectionSet;
private ArrayList<Double> yCoordinates;
private ArrayList<Double> xCoordinates;
private Integer numberOfLinesOnLeft;
private Slab interval;
@ -51,14 +53,16 @@ public class TheilSenEstimator extends Observable implements Algorithm {
this.sampledIntersections = new ArrayList<>();
Double bin =, 2);
this.numberOfLinesOnLeft = 0;
this.yCoordinates = new ArrayList<>();
this.xCoordinates = new ArrayList<>();
for (Line l : set){
ymin = ymin > l.getB() ? l.getB() : ymin;
ymax = ymax < l.getB() ? l.getB() : ymax;
for (Point l : intersectionSet){
this.k = Integer.valueOf((int) (bin / 2));
this.N = bin;
this.N =, 2);
public void run(){
@ -75,41 +79,63 @@ public class TheilSenEstimator extends Observable implements Algorithm {
r = Double.valueOf(n);
IntersectionCounter counter = new IntersectionCounter();
int numberOfIntersections =, new Slab(-10000,a));
k = (int) (, 2)/2);
j = (r /N) * (k - numberOfIntersections);
jA = (int) Math.floor(j - (3 * Math.sqrt(r)));
jB = (int) Math.floor(j + (3 * Math.sqrt(r)));
jA = (int) Math.max(1,Math.floor(j - (3 * Math.sqrt(r))));
jB = (int) Math.min(r-1,Math.floor(j + (3 * Math.sqrt(r))));
do {
sampledIntersections = randomSampleOfIntersections(intersectionSet, r);
aVariant = sampledIntersections.get(jA);
bVariant = sampledIntersections.get(jB);
while (!checkCondition(sampledIntersections));
while (!checkCondition());
a = aVariant;
b = bVariant;
N = Double.valueOf(checkNumberOfIntersectionInInterval(a,b,sampledIntersections));
N = Double.valueOf(checkNumberOfIntersectionInInterval(a,b));
if (presenter != null) {
double m = (interval.getLower() + interval.getUpper()) * (-0.5);
double min = Collections.min(sampledIntersections);
double max = Collections.max(sampledIntersections);
double avgx = (min + max) *0.5;
double avgy = (ymin + ymax) * 0.5;
double b = ((avgx * m) + avgy);
String[] result = {"rm", m+"", b+""};
System.out.println(interval.getLower()+" <=> "+interval.getUpper());
double m,x;
double b,y;
int n = xCoordinates.size();
if (n % 2 == 0){
x = xCoordinates.get((n/2)-1) + xCoordinates.get((n/2)-2);
y = yCoordinates.get((n/2)-1) + yCoordinates.get((n/2)-2);
} else {
x = xCoordinates.get(((n+1)/2)-1);
y = yCoordinates.get(((n+1)/2)-1);
private Boolean checkCondition(ArrayList<Double> intersections){
Boolean cond1 = (intersections.get(k) >= aVariant) && (intersections.get(k) < bVariant);
Boolean cond2 = (checkNumberOfIntersectionInInterval(aVariant,bVariant,intersections) <= ((11 * N) / Math.sqrt(r)));
ArrayList<Point> resultSt = getKleftMostIntersection(a, this.b);
int size = resultSt.size();
if (n % 2 == 0){
m = resultSt.get((size/2)-1).getX() + resultSt.get((size/2)-2).getX();
} else {
m = resultSt.get(((size+1)/2)-1).getX()* (-1);
b = (x * m) + y;
m *= -1;
String[] result = {"ts", m+"", b+""};
private Boolean checkCondition(){
Boolean cond1 = (intersectionSet.get(k).getX() >= aVariant) && (intersectionSet.get(k).getX() < bVariant);
Boolean cond2 = (checkNumberOfIntersectionInInterval(aVariant,bVariant) <= ((11 * N) / Math.sqrt(r)));
return cond1 && cond2;
@ -126,13 +152,26 @@ public class TheilSenEstimator extends Observable implements Algorithm {
public int checkNumberOfIntersectionInInterval(double a, double b, ArrayList<Double> intersections){
public int checkNumberOfIntersectionInInterval(double a, double b){
int counter = 0;
for (Double x : intersections){
if (x >= a && x < b){
for (Point x : intersectionSet){
if (x.getX() >= a && x.getX() < b){
return counter;
public ArrayList<Point> getKleftMostIntersection(double a, double b){
ArrayList<Point> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (Point x : intersectionSet){
if (x.getX() >= a && x.getX() < b){
return list;

View File

@ -39,19 +39,19 @@ public class Presenter implements Observer {
this.view = view;
// Double[] x = {1d, 2d, 3d, 4d, 10d, 12d, 18d};
// Double[] y = {9d, 15d, 19d, 20d, 45d, 55d, 78d};
// Double[] x = {18d, 24d, 30d, 34d, 38d};
// Double[] y = {18d, 26d, 30d, 40d, 70d};
Double[] x = {18d, 24d, 30d, 34d, 38d};
Double[] y = {18d, 26d, 30d, 40d, 70d};
// Double[] x = {1d,3d,4d,5d,8d};
// Double[] y = {4d,2d,1d,0d,0d};
// view.logHeading("Duale Darstellung der Punkte als Geraden:");
// for (int j = 0; j < x.length; j++) {
// Line p = new Line(x[j], y[j]);
// p.setId(j+"");
// view.log("f(x) = " + p.getM() + "x + " + p.getB());
// this.model.addLine(p);
// }
view.logHeading("Duale Darstellung der Punkte als Geraden:");
for (int j = 0; j < x.length; j++) {
Line p = new Line(x[j], y[j]);
view.log("f(x) = " + p.getM() + "x + " + p.getB());
// calcArrangementNodes();
// //print
// List<String> heading = new LinkedList<>();
// List<List<String>> rows = new LinkedList<>();